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 Skybox Textures

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3 posters


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Registration date : 2009-04-23
Age : 30
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Skybox Textures Empty
PostSubject: Skybox Textures   Skybox Textures EmptyMon May 02, 2011 3:38 pm

Te-ai saturat de aceleasi poze pe fundal de cer?!Cam da....le puteti inlocui cu unele din care voi posta aici.

La servere editati in amxx.cfg

sv_skyname "numele cerului" (numele il gasiti in valve/gfx/env in format .tga)

ex: sv_skyname desert (pt. desert.tga..veti gasit cu rt,bk,ft...etc ,dar nu puneti si ultimele 2 litere si nici extensia)

Ca sa folosesca si ceilalti jucatori,editati de exemplu in crossfire.res pt sky de exemplu "islan"

Quote :

Apoi editati in amxx.cfg sv_skyname islan

Daca vreti sa schimbati sky-urile pe mapele uzuale in hl-ul dvs. aveti sky-urile:

Quote :

| Maps | Skyname |
| crossfire | desert |
| ag_crossfire | dusk |
| boot_camp | desert |
| stalkx | morning |
| bounce | 2desert |
| gasworks | night |
| havoc | night |
| isotonic | dusk |
| lost_village2 | desert |
| lost_village | dusk |
| stalkyard | night |
| scary_1 | neb6 |

De exemplu iau un folder cu o inlocuiesc pt crossfire texturile din gfx/env:

Quote :
texturabk.tga --> deserbk.tga
texturart.tga --> desertrt.tga
texturalf.tga --> desertlf.tga
texturaup.tga --> desertup.tga
texturadn.tga --> desertdn.tga

"Textura" este numele texturii care o aleg si pe care o inlocuiesc cu numele texturii de pe mapa (in ex. "desert").

Pun si pozele cu texturile pe care le gasiti si in pack in va faceti o idee.

Skybox Textures Fjord
Skybox Textures 52h09
Skybox Textures 52h08
Skybox Textures 52h07
Skybox Textures 52h06
Skybox Textures 52h05
Skybox Textures 52h04
Skybox Textures 52h03
Skybox Textures 52h02
Skybox Textures 52h01
Skybox Textures Waterworld16
Skybox Textures Waterworld15
Skybox Textures Waterworld14
Skybox Textures Waterworld13
Skybox Textures Waterworld12
Skybox Textures Forgottenland
Skybox Textures Underwater01
Skybox Textures Nature01
Skybox Textures Desert07
Skybox Textures Sunset02
Skybox Textures Winterday03
Skybox Textures Winterday02
Skybox Textures Waterworld11
Skybox Textures Waterworld10
Skybox Textures Winterday01
Skybox Textures Desert06
Skybox Textures Canyon02
Skybox Textures Waterworld09
Skybox Textures Waterworld08
Skybox Textures Waterworld07
Skybox Textures Waterworld06
Skybox Textures Waterworld05
Skybox Textures Waterworld04
Skybox Textures Waterworld03
Skybox Textures Waterworld02
Skybox Textures Waterworld01
Skybox Textures Desert02
Skybox Textures Desert01
Skybox Textures Mountains01
Skybox Textures Winternight1
Skybox Textures Polarnight1
Skybox Textures Sunset1
Skybox Textures Blue_winter
Skybox Textures Canyon01
Skybox Textures Mars1
Skybox Textures Flyaway
Skybox Textures De_oldvillage
Skybox Textures Nuclear_winter
Skybox Textures Deaglestrike

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Skybox Textures Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skybox Textures   Skybox Textures EmptyMon May 02, 2011 3:50 pm

fain Wink
uh nu prea ai ce face in timpu` liber?Very Happy
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Number of posts : 387
Registration date : 2009-03-22
Age : 33
Location : Cluj Napoca/Brasov

Skybox Textures Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skybox Textures   Skybox Textures EmptyMon May 02, 2011 5:38 pm

pune niste poze in-game Smile
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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2012-01-28

Skybox Textures Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skybox Textures   Skybox Textures EmptySat Jan 28, 2012 9:27 pm

link is don't work. how download this?
Somebody can upload this in another hosting? VERY N1CE textures Smile)
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Skybox Textures Empty
PostSubject: Re: Skybox Textures   Skybox Textures Empty

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